Archive for May 15th, 2011

Embroidery Stitch Variation—Wagon Wheel

Posted May 15, 2011 By FairyKateH
I’ve never seen such an interesting version of the wagon wheel stitch.
For those of you who do not know how to make such perfect circles on a CQ block, this is how “I” do it.  I’m sure everyone has their own way of making circles on CQ and as long as it works for you, go for it.
I trace around a quarter to help make my circles the same size.  I’ve also used the cap to pill bottles for larger circles and on occassion, small cups for even larger circles.
I use a #2 pencil if the fabric is light enough, or a sharp white dressmaker’s pencil if the fabric is dark.  Keep the white pencil fairly sharp as when it gets dull, the markings become larger and harder to hide.
You can always wipe away the white markings, but some fancy fabrics are very delicate and the less pressure you have to use on them, the better.
Andrea used a chain stitch around the outside of the motif.  She made some larger spokes and filled in smaller stitches between the longer ones with a different colored and smaller size of thread. 
What a work of art!  Enjoy.

Embroidery Stitch -- Detached Wagon Wheel

Andrea Campbell of California used a very unusual stitch variation on her crazy quilt block which she has donated for a fundraiser.

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